Table of Contents

Have you ever felt worn and weary in your own skin? Have you ever thought you simply don’t have the energy or capability to carry yourself through a situation or time? How did it feel when you managed? What did you learn? How has that impacted your approach to situations today? Who has it made you?
I believe all these emotions and thoughts emanate from what you believe about yourself and your potential. It involves how much you value yourself and your abilities. According to T. Harv Eker and Tony Robbins, “Where your focus goes, your energy flows.” If you believe that you are not capable or less than, you may not even try. You may make less effort, believing it futile. Whereas when you believe in your potential you will exude elevated confidence, resilience, and more power to propel yourself forward. This will all be reflected in your energy levels. Your personal power.
Throughout this article, I explore the concepts of balance and mindset. I explore combining the two for increased personal power. You have the potential to be your biggest advocate. Once you can embrace such self-belief you will be empowering yourself. You will be able to approach situations with more confidence in yourself. This will empower you to take on more challenges and achieve more success. It will work in a loop, reinforcing your future thoughts, emotions, and behaviours. Demonstrating confidence can breed more confidence.
What is Mindset?
I believe that mindset is a state of mind. It is how you view yourself, your abilities, and your chances of success. It can be how you view your ability to handle a challenging situation. This can affect if or how you approach it. It can affect how you feel about it. All of this will affect how you behave towards it. Once you begin to think positively, feel positively, and behave positively you can reinforce your future self with increased positivity.
There are various categories of mindset. A growth mindset involves viewing challenges and failures as opportunities to progress and develop. Whereas a fixed mindset will involve viewing these finitely. This can prompt negative responses such as absolute thinking where everything is definitive. A fixed mindset will view failure as an absolute loss. In turn, this can cause behaviours such as giving up or shameful perspectives.
Everyone will fail at some point in their lives. Most of us many times. How you view that failure will determine how you behave as a result. Approaching situations with a positive mindset is powerful. Visualise your future like the open, blue sky. Clouds will gather and form like the obstacles life will present. These cumulations of challenges will pass and disperse like the clouds above. What will you be left with when they do? A lesson. A learning experience. A sunrise. Or will you hide from your own personal growth? Will you let the sunset on your dreams?
When Your Balance is off
During this article when I reference balance, I am referring to an internal, mental, and emotional balance. For some, this may even be spiritual. Consider this as your alignment with your inner self. For more on aligning with your authentic, inner self and intentional living visit
For example, when you are working out of alignment with what you value this can cause a negative discrepancy in your motivation to approach a task. To achieve you will first need to try. To try you will need motivation to do so. To be motivated you need inspiration. Listen to your inner self. Meditate on your intuition. What whispers in your soul?
When you feel out of alignment or your balance is off or negative, this can impact your entire demeanour. However, when you align with your authentic inner self you will be promoting your most powerful version of yourself. This is where you believe in what you are doing. It is where you value what you are doing.
When you can embrace this version of yourself you will be in alignment. Your approach will be more positive. You will be more emotionally invested in the end result. Every action you take will have more impetus. You will derive more satisfaction from success. You will be aligned with your authentic inner self.
Fundamentally, as with most things self-awareness will be essential. It is not an easy state to develop. It can be complex and challenging. There is support available from life coaches or therapists depending on your needs and situation.
To address an imbalance in your mindset, you will first need to identify it. Recognise it. Decide to take action to address the imbalance. Once you have identified it and resolved to address it, you will be taking back your power. Self-awareness can align you with your personal power.
Can Balance Be Improved?
This will depend on whether you believe it can be improved. To improve your alignment with your inner self, you will need to believe it is possible. You will need to believe in your inner self. You will need to approach the situation with a growth mindset. Start with positivity. You are in control of you. Take back your power for your own success.
Once you have developed self-awareness of your current state you can address your belief in your ability to change it. You may find yourself doubting your abilities. Be inquisitive with yourself. Ask yourself why you don’t believe in your abilities. Ask yourself what evidence there is to support this stance. Often, we can be our own worst critic. Once you believe in your power to change your perception, you can begin to formulate your plan to make changes.
Your process will be entirely personal to you. It will depend on what you value. It will depend on what your authentic inner self intends to achieve. These will influence what beliefs you want to alter. It is powerful to keep your beliefs up to date. You are constantly evolving with every passing moment. Every experience affects who you are. Every interaction influences you. What you have been told historically may no longer be reliable. It may not have been reliable to begin with. It was someone else’s opinion. You are the authority on you. What was true yesterday may not be valid today.
Balance and Believe
When you are analysing your beliefs, especially with a view to making changes this can be a confronting process. There is support available from therapists or life coaches depending on your needs. In essence, it is about believing you are worthy of what you want. It is about believing in yourself.
Generally, it is a good rule to seek balance. You may want to achieve more balance between your personal and professional time. To do so, it can be of benefit to work on skills such as assertiveness to say no to situations and set preliminary boundaries. It is also advantageous to work from a place of flexibility. Demonstrating a flexible nature and being responsive to situations can benefit your reputation. However, enforcing your personal boundaries more often than not will be important to ensuring you do not get taken advantage of.
It may be that you want to achieve more balance in other domains of your life. I think using the different categories of self-care as a guide can be powerful. When you care for your physical health through diet, sleep, and exercise this will impact your emotional and mental domains as well. Likewise, when you have good stress management strategies in place, you will be preserving your physical, emotional, and mental health. To read more on self-care please visit 6 Self-Care Ideas to Create a Self-Care Plan That Works For a Healthier and Happier You (
Setting strong personal boundaries and becoming comfortable with enforcing these will set you up with a strong starting point. Ensuring you have a comprehensive and balanced self-care routine will make you more powerful. It will prime you in your optimal state for any cumulations of clouds or challenges that come your way. This combination can stand you in good stead to step outside your comfort zone for any opportunities that may present themselves. It is always advantageous to keep an open mind to prospects.
Balance and Composure
Another area where balance is often sought after is emotional regulation. As mentioned above self-care is an invaluable tool for managing your emotional well-being. Exercise is an awesome form of physical, mental, and emotional self-care. When you perform your movements mindfully it can multiply these benefits. To read more on mindful movements visit Embrace Empowerment: 3 Benefits of Moving Mindfully.
Other activities such as meditation and journaling are also highly effective. These are particularly revealing for developing self-awareness. It is about discovering what activities you enjoy and you will invest time in performing.
Another technique to enhance your self-control skills can be found in the practice of mindfulness. Mindfulness embodies the non-judgmental practice of observing your thoughts which can heighten your emotions. Likewise, your emotions can intensify your thought patterns. It involves observing your thoughts and emotions and viewing them for what they are. Thoughts and emotions. You are not your thoughts and emotions. Thoughts can be opinions with the information you have available at the time. Emotions can be your response to these. They are natural. They are not your identity. Try viewing them as clouds passing in the sky. They will pass. They will keep coming. Once you can view your thoughts and emotions in this way it will permit you to view them more objectively, for what they are.
Mindfulness also encourages you to respond thoughtfully to situations, people, and experiences rather than react off your emotions. This gives you back increased control of how you want to behave in an emotionally charged environment. In any environment or situation you do not need to react immediately. Sometimes, things require more thought than that. Give yourself the time to respond in the way that will serve you best.
Listening to music can also be calming. However, different music will affect your emotions in different ways. Music also has the potential to energise, motivate, inspire, or even revisit memories that you may find painful or sad. Taking a brief mindful walk in nature could be preferable as a departure from an already emotionally charged environment.
However, research has indicated that caution is advised when immersing yourself in mindful activities. There is support available from mindfulness coaches or therapists if this is something you would like to incorporate into your lifestyle.
Balance and Serenity
Will balancing these domains of your life evoke serenity? I believe addressing these main areas will promote a sense of calm and confidence. A more relaxed attitude. When you approach situations and challenges from a calmer and more confident demeanour you will be coming from your personal power. You will be optimising your chances of success.
Embrace your authentic inner self. Unconditionally love your inner self. Then you will be open to securing true serenity and bliss. You will amplify your personal power. To read my musings on self-love and how to nurture it visit It is Time to Make Yourself Matter Mindfully.
There are also the benefits of joy and laughter to consider. They promote well-being. They are fun. They are joyful. You can laugh with family. You can laugh with friends. You can even laugh at yourself. To read my musings on the benefits of joy and laughter read 6 Holistic Well-Being Benefits of Joy and Laughter.
Referencing the art of balancing your mindset, it will benefit you to approach situations from a mindset of gratitude and abundance as opposed to entitlement. This is a powerful place to pursue your intentions and objectives from. To read more about embracing this mindset visit 3 Mediums to Summon a Joyous Mindset Through Embracing Gratitude and Appreciation.
Throughout your voyage to serenity, bliss, and balance it is crucial to exercise self-compassion. Even with all these apparatus at your disposal to shift your mindset, life will still present challenges. You will be able to use these tools to maneuver such obstacles. You can use your growth mindset to learn from, personally develop, and conquer these challenges.
Yet, there will still be times when you feel those worn and weary sensations. There will be times when you are confronted with negative thoughts. You will feel adversely at their inception. Practice self-compassion. You are human. Treat yourself with the love, kindness, and the same respect that you would do to someone else you love. To read more about strategies for maintaining inner peace read What is Inner Peace?
There are numerous elements you can incorporate to alter your mindset. It is about balancing what you need and when. You may benefit from a laugh with friends or family at times. You may benefit from reassessing your self-care routine during others. You may even benefit from exploring your spirituality. To read more on spirituality read 6 Spiritual Techniques for Inner Serenity
It will be about what you, yourself need. Everyone will need different elements at different times. Sometimes you will have an abundance in certain areas. It is worthwhile remembering when you are blessed with this abundance it can impact other elements to their detriment. For example, when you are out laughing with friends a lot you may be sacrificing sleep. Your inner self will be the guiding light to what you need. You are the authority on you. Your intuition is powerful. You are powerful. Claim your power back now. Align yourself with your inner power.
While I still offer limited life coaching services I am focusing on content writing and creation. If you want support with either of these services, please message me or visit my website Home | Chloe Mepham BSc Certified Life Coach for more information. If you like what have read here I have a blog here Blog | Chloe Mepham BSc Certified Life Coach where you can read more about personal development.
Austin, M. W. Ph.D. (January 17, 2020) Stoic Balance: Seneca on Why We Need to Balance Activity and Rest Psychology Today Stoic Balance | Psychology Today
Cherry, K. MSEd (June 23, 2024) What is a Mindset and Why it Matters VeryWellMind What Mindset Is and Why It Matters
Meyer, L. C. M.S. (September 24, 2021) 5 Mindful Steps for Self-Observation: Social Media, Attention, and Letting Go Psychology Today 5 Mindful Steps for Self-Observation | Psychology Today
Robbins, T. (December 3, 2020) Where focus goes energy flows Tony Robbins Quotes Quote Meaning Where focus goes energy flows - Quote Meaning