Have you ever been misinterpreted? What effect did this have on your relationships? How did it make you feel?
Often when we communicate, we are not fully aware of how we present ourselves. As it is something we do regularly we develop habits and are not totally conscious of how we are perceived.
Mindful communication is about being fully conscious of our words and our body language in the moment. The way in which we communicate with one person will not necessarily be received in the same way by another. In addition, the way we communicate will depend on our emotions and their intensity. Bringing awareness to our tone, pace, and physical gestures can allow us more control over our interactions. It is also important to choose our words carefully for the situation.
Mindful communication allows us to respond thoughtfully rather than react to emotion. The benefits of communicating mindfully can include the following:
Improved personal relationships
Improved professional relationships
A greater understanding of others
Increased self-awareness
Improved focus
Improved attention
Improved Emotional Intelligence
Increased empathy
Increased perspective taking
Improved conflict resolution skills
Reduced stress
For further information, or if you want to work on mindful communication, please book a Free Mindset Meeting here: Home | Chloe Mepham BSc Certified Life Coach.