Do you express gratitude? How do you express that you are grateful? Has this impacted your well-being?
In these modern times, it has become more of the norm to crave what society believes we should covet. Mass advertising campaigns can initiate our minds to crave what others have. This can become an unhealthy obsession. Do we need the latest gadget? Or are we being seduced into thinking that we do?
What if we instead practice gratitude for what we do have, down to the simplest of things? Research has indicated that it can have a wide range of benefits. These benefits can include:
Boosts to your and others' mental health
Increased optimism
Increased goal achievement
Decreased anxiety and depression
Helps you to accept change
Supports stress management
Exhibiting fewer physical illness symptoms
Strengthening immune system
Improving sleep patterns
Experiencing more joy and pleasure
Being more helpful and generous
Improving relationships
Feeling less lonely and isolated
If you would like to explore gratitude and how to express it, book a Free Mindset Meeting Now here: Home | Chloe Mepham BSc Certified Life Coach.